The Sunpower – Electroluminescence Tester System unit has been designed to perform an infrared micro fissure search for Solar Panels:

1.System can hold 72, 96 & 128 Solar Panels

2.Solar Panels can be loaded manually or automatically

3.Operator needs to make a minimal effort to use the system

4.Operator just needs to place the solar panel over the EL tester that will be tested and the system will perform the remain process automatically.


The equipment contains the following key elements:

1.Cell Illumination Testing Jig

2.Improved visual system (13 Megapixels x 3 = 39 Megapixels total)

3.A Stand Alone unit with a local data base capability

4.Automatic Holding Mechanism (add-on installed upon request)

5.Automatic Process Counter.

Real time troubleshooting resolution center on HMI.

Project Info

  • Category: Proyectos
  • Client: Kers
  • Location: Usa
  • Surface Area: Skermset
  • Architect: Istiak
  • Completed Date: 2018
  • Year Of Complited: 50k

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